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Dynamic Phase Compensated Transfer Demonstrated At LayerZero Power Systems

Chagrin Falls, Ohio - - LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. announces the successful demonstration of its Dynamic Phase Compensated Transfer technique, a new switching algorithm that promises to revolutionize the reliability of power distribution for critical industries. The technology operates by introducing an appropriate time delay during the transfer, the duration of the delay determined by the phase angle between the two sources at the instant of transfer. The demonstration showed that LayerZero equipment was capable of eliminating all downstream transformer inrush.

This allows for data centers to achieve improved operational efficiency in two ways. First, Dynamic Phase Compensation eliminates the requirement for a secondary side transformer, allowing for a smaller footprint. Second, the technology allows for Power Distribution Units to produce twice the amount of power in the same space. LayerZero Dynamic Phase Compensation technology can help data centers make the most of valuable floor space while providing the same level of incomparable reliability that LayerZero is known for.

LayerZero Dynamic Phase Compensated transfers provide data centers with a new opportunity to save money and space while increasing uptime and availability.

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