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LayerZero Awards and Recognition

At LayerZero Power Systems, we're powering the world's most demanding industries with innovative, reliable, and safe power distribution solutions. Our commitment to excellence has earned us the trust of top companies, government agencies, and customers worldwide. The awards we've received are a reflection of our dedication to pushing boundaries, giving back to our community, and delivering the highest quality products.


Key to the City of Aurora - Business of the Year Award (2023)

Key to the City of Aurora
The Business of the Year Award presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. in 2023 included a special symbolic honor: the Key to the City of Aurora. The award features a beautifully crafted gold key mounted on a wooden plaque, representing the city’s appreciation for LayerZero's contributions to the local community. The official seal of Aurora, Ohio, is prominently engraved, displaying the city’s rich history with the text "Founded 1799 Aurora Ohio." This honor not only reflects LayerZero’s significant role in the business sector but also its active engagement in civic affairs, fostering both economic growth and community spirit.

Recognition from Mike DeWine - Business of the Year (2023)

LayerZero Power Systems Business of the Year Recognition 2023 by Ohio Governor and Lieutenant Governor
This recognition comes from Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, formally presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. for its outstanding contributions to the local economy and community development. The framed recognition celebrates LayerZero’s receipt of the 2023 Business of the Year Award from the Aurora Chamber of Commerce. Governor DeWine praised LayerZero for its role in driving technological innovation and excellence in manufacturing mission-critical power distribution systems, which have a direct impact on Ohio’s reputation for leadership in advanced industries. The document acknowledges the company's dedication to upholding the highest standards of business integrity and its ongoing commitment to social responsibility.

Recognition from Dave Yost - Business of the Year (2023)

LayerZero Power Systems Proclamation by Ohio Attorney General 2023
This image features a formal proclamation issued by Dave Yost, the Attorney General of Ohio, recognizing LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. as the 2023 Aurora Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year. The proclamation highlights the numerous contributions LayerZero has made to Ohio’s economic landscape, including its role in creating jobs, supporting local educational programs, and fostering innovation in mission-critical power distribution technologies. The Attorney General specifically praised LayerZero’s dedication to maintaining high standards in both product quality and corporate ethics, noting the company's importance to the state’s broader business community. This recognition further underscores LayerZero’s leadership in the field of power distribution, a sector vital to Ohio’s industrial and technological growth.

Certificate of Congressional Recognition and Achievement (2023)

LayerZero Power Systems Certificate of Congressional Recognition and Achievement 2023
This prestigious certificate of Congressional Recognition and Achievement was awarded to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. in honor of their selection as the 2023 Business of the Year by the Aurora Chamber of Commerce. Signed by U.S. Congressman David P. Joyce, this document represents national recognition for LayerZero's impact on the local community and its significant achievements in the manufacturing industry. The certificate underscores LayerZero’s influence in driving forward critical infrastructure technologies and its contributions to both the local economy and the broader mission-critical power industry. Congressman Joyce praised the company’s innovation, resilience, and commitment to continuous improvement, positioning LayerZero as a role model for other businesses in the region and beyond.

Proclamation by the City of Aurora (2023)

LayerZero Power Systems Proclamation by the City of Aurora 2023
The City of Aurora honored LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. with a formal proclamation, signed by Mayor Ann Womer Benjamin on December 7, 2023, recognizing the company’s designation as the Business of the Year. This proclamation highlights LayerZero's immense contributions to the economic growth and industrial advancement of the Aurora region. It commends the company’s leadership in providing educational opportunities to local students, including internships and training programs that foster the next generation of engineers. The proclamation also praises LayerZero’s integral role in the Aurora Industrial Park, helping to transform the area into a thriving industrial hub. The City of Aurora acknowledges the company’s efforts in community outreach and its pivotal role in maintaining the city’s economic vitality.

Aurora Chamber of Commerce 2023 Business of the Year Award

LayerZero Power Systems 2023 Business of the Year Award
This is the official 2023 Business of the Year Award presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. by the Aurora Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau. The award celebrates the company’s exceptional leadership, commitment to quality, and contributions to the local community and economy. The Aurora Chamber of Commerce recognized LayerZero for its innovative products and services, which have consistently set high standards in the mission-critical power distribution industry. The plaque features the Chamber’s tagline "Work. Live. Play.," symbolizing the harmonious balance LayerZero maintains between professional excellence and community involvement. This award is a testament to the company's sustained growth, its role as a major employer, and its ongoing investments in both people and technology.
Watch this YouTube video capturing the highlights from the 2023 Business of the Year Award ceremony, where LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. was honored for its contributions to the Aurora community. The video showcases interviews, speeches, and a behind-the-scenes look at LayerZero's operations, shedding light on the company’s dedication to innovation and its positive impact on both local and global industries.

Certificate of Membership - Aurora Chamber of Commerce (2024)

LayerZero Power Systems Certificate of Membership 2024 by Aurora Chamber of Commerce
This image displays the Certificate of Membership presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. by the Aurora Chamber of Commerce for the year 2024. The certificate recognizes LayerZero’s continued involvement and active participation as a valued member of the Chamber. It is signed by Karen Bosley, Executive Director, and Lisa Hovanec, President of the Board of Directors, acknowledging the company’s contributions to the Aurora business community. The Aurora Chamber’s logo, along with the tagline "Work. Live. Play.," emphasizes the Chamber’s mission to support local businesses in fostering economic development, creating job opportunities, and enhancing the quality of life in the region. LayerZero’s membership signifies its long-term commitment to both the Chamber’s initiatives and the local community.

Career Technical Education Award - Kent State University (2023)

Career Technical Education Award presented to LayerZero Power Systems by Kent State University
This transparent acrylic award was presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. by Kent State University in 2023, in recognition of the company’s outstanding contributions to Career Technical Education (CTE). LayerZero has long been a proponent of fostering technical education and advancing workforce development, specifically in the fields of CAD & Engineering Technologies. This award acknowledges LayerZero’s role in shaping the next generation of skilled workers by providing hands-on training, internships, and educational support to students pursuing careers in technical fields. The award prominently displays the LayerZero logo, the text "Founded 2001," and symbols representing the company’s technical expertise and commitment to future generations of engineers and professionals. This recognition further cements LayerZero’s status as a leader in both industry and education, driving innovation and fostering a technically proficient workforce.

Most Innovative Concept - QTS Partner and Innovation Summit (2023)

LayerZero Power Systems Most Innovative Concept Award 2023
This elegant crystal award was presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. at the QTS Partner & Innovation Summit 2023, where the company was honored for developing the Most Innovative Concept in mission-critical power distribution. LayerZero’s pioneering solutions were recognized for their impact on the data center industry, specifically for introducing cutting-edge technology that enhances reliability and safety. The award is etched with the QTS logo and the summit’s event details, reflecting the importance of LayerZero’s role as a forward-thinking leader in the field. QTS, a leading provider of data center solutions, praised LayerZero for its dedication to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in power distribution, ensuring continuous operations in mission-critical environments. This award showcases LayerZero’s ongoing commitment to delivering innovative, high-quality solutions that meet the evolving needs of the industry.

Equipment Partner of the Year Award - QTS (2023)

LayerZero Power Systems Equipment Partner of the Year Award 2023
LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. was honored as the Equipment Partner of the Year at the QTS Partner & Innovation Summit 2023. The award, a stunning bronze eagle sculpture with its wings spread wide, symbolizes leadership, strength, and excellence. The eagle is mounted on a wooden base with a plaque engraved with the QTS logo and the title of the award, "Equipment Partner of the Year." This prestigious recognition highlights LayerZero’s crucial role as a trusted partner for QTS, providing the high-quality equipment necessary to maintain the infrastructure of data centers around the world. QTS praised LayerZero’s dedication to ensuring that its products meet the highest standards of reliability and innovation, making it an essential partner in mission-critical environments. The award reflects LayerZero’s outstanding contributions to QTS’s success and its unwavering commitment to excellence in the design and manufacture of power distribution systems.

Portage County Growth and Investment Award 2016 (2016)

LayerZero Power Systems Portage County Growth and Investment Award 2016
This plaque was presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. in 2016 by the Portage Development Board in recognition of the company’s exceptional growth and significant investments in Portage County, Ohio. The award acknowledges LayerZero’s role in fostering economic development, creating jobs, and contributing to the region’s industrial growth. The plaque reads, "In recognition of your growth and investment in Portage County. LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. Locate. Stay. Grow. 2016." The award highlights LayerZero’s commitment to the local community, not only as a business but also as an active partner in ensuring the long-term prosperity of the region. The company’s continuous expansion and investment in new facilities and technology have made it a cornerstone of Portage County’s economic landscape.

Weatherhead 100 Award (2012)

LayerZero Power Systems Weatherhead 100 Award 2012
LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. was recognized as one of Northeast Ohio’s Outstanding Growth Companies at the Weatherhead 100 event in 2012. This award, organized by the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University and co-presented by the Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE), celebrates LayerZero’s exceptional business growth, innovation, and leadership in the mission-critical power distribution industry. The plaque also displays the logos of event sponsors, including Dollar Bank, CBIZ, Time Warner Cable Business Class, and other prominent organizations. The Weatherhead 100 Award signifies LayerZero’s continued success in growing its business while maintaining a strong commitment to quality and innovation. This achievement highlights the company’s ability to adapt to changing market conditions and its dedication to delivering best-in-class products and services to its customers.

DCIE Innovations Award (2011)

The DCIE Innovations Award, presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. in 2011, recognizes the company’s commitment to driving innovation in mission-critical power distribution. This prestigious award highlights LayerZero’s role in developing new technologies that enhance the reliability and safety of power distribution systems, specifically in environments where continuous uptime is essential. LayerZero’s innovations in power distribution have helped set new industry standards, ensuring that its products remain at the forefront of technological advancement. The DCIE Innovations Award is a testament to the company’s ongoing efforts to push the boundaries of what’s possible, delivering groundbreaking solutions that address the unique challenges faced by mission-critical industries worldwide.

Silver Partner, Fall Conference Corporate Leadership Program - 7×24 Exchange International (2011)

LayerZero Power Systems Silver Partner Award 2011 Fall Conference
This plaque was presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. for its outstanding contribution as a Silver Partner at the 2011 Fall Conference Corporate Leadership Program, hosted by 7x24 Exchange International. The award recognizes LayerZero’s dedication to advancing leadership and promoting reliability in mission-critical industries. The plaque features the 7x24 Exchange logo, along with the text: "Presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. With sincere appreciation for your outstanding contribution as a Silver Partner to the 2011 Fall Conference Corporate Leadership Program." LayerZero’s involvement in this event underscores the company’s commitment to shaping the future of mission-critical power distribution through active participation in industry leadership forums and conferences. The company’s contributions to the event were pivotal in fostering discussions about the future of the industry and the importance of continuous improvement in power distribution technologies.

Key Member, Fall Conference Corporate Leadership Program - 7×24 Exchange International (2008)

LayerZero Power Systems Key Member Award 2008 Fall Conference
LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. was honored with the Key Member Award at the 2008 Fall Conference Corporate Leadership Program, organized by 7x24 Exchange International. This plaque expresses appreciation for LayerZero's significant contributions to the event, which focused on leadership and innovation in mission-critical industries. The text on the plaque reads: "Presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. With sincere appreciation for your outstanding contribution as a Key Member to the 2008 Fall Conference Corporate Leadership Program." The 7x24 Exchange International logo is prominently displayed, representing an organization dedicated to ensuring end-to-end reliability in mission-critical environments. This award highlights LayerZero’s pivotal role in advancing the dialogue on leadership, technology, and reliability, particularly in sectors where continuous power and uptime are essential.


Source Phase Sensitive Transfer Method and Apparatus (2009)

U.S. Patent 7,589,438 for Source Phase Sensitive Transfer Method and Apparatus.

LayerZero Power Systems U.S. Patent for Source Phase Sensitive Transfer Method and Apparatus
LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. received U.S. Patent No. 7,589,438 B2 on July 9, 2004, for the Source Phase Sensitive Transfer Method and Apparatus. This invention, credited to inventor James M. Galm, introduces a method for transferring AC electrical power from a first source to a second source, with a time delay to accommodate phase differences between the two sources. The patent describes how the system ensures smooth and reliable power transfers, even in environments where phase differences might otherwise disrupt power supply continuity. The framed patent includes a detailed schematic of the transfer method, highlighting the technical precision and innovation involved in its design. This system is essential in mission-critical environments where power reliability is paramount, as it minimizes downtime and ensures continuous operation. LayerZero’s invention represents a significant advancement in power transfer technology, addressing the challenges faced by industries that require uninterrupted power supply.

Neutral Switching High-Speed AC Transfer Switch (2012)

Publication Number 20,120,229,191 - High-Speed AC Transfer Switch technology.

LayerZero Power Systems U.S. Patent for Neutral Switching High Speed AC Transfer Switch
This framed U.S. Patent was awarded to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. for the invention of the Neutral Switching High-Speed AC Transfer Switch, under U.S. Patent No. 2012/0229131 A1. Granted on March 7, 2011, this patent is credited to inventors James M. Galm, Ged Butkus, and Milind M. Bhanoo. The high-speed transfer switch is designed to transfer a load between multiple AC power sources, using a combination of mechanical and electrical transfers to ensure a seamless and rapid transition between sources. This technology is essential for maintaining continuous power supply in mission-critical environments, where even a brief interruption can have significant consequences. The patent’s schematic diagram showcases the intricate design of the transfer switch, emphasizing its importance in ensuring high reliability and minimal downtime in power distribution systems. LayerZero’s development of this technology underscores its leadership in creating cutting-edge solutions for the most demanding power environments.

Circuit Breaker Terminal Cover and Strip of Terminal Covers (2017)

U.S. Patent 9,997,303

LayerZero Power Systems U.S. Patent for Circuit Breaker Terminal Cover and Strip of Terminal Covers
This framed U.S. Patent was awarded to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. for the innovative design of a Circuit Breaker Terminal Cover and a Strip of Terminal Covers, under U.S. Patent No. 9,997,303. Granted on January 17, 2017, this patent credits inventors James M. Galm, Mijo Dejanovic, and Milind Bhanoo. The design introduces a safer way to cover circuit breaker terminals, reducing the risk of accidental contact and improving safety during installation and maintenance. The patent’s technical details are engraved on a gold plaque, alongside a detailed diagram of the terminal cover design. This innovation in electrical protection represents LayerZero’s commitment to enhancing safety and reliability in mission-critical power systems. By developing solutions that address common pain points in electrical systems, LayerZero continues to set new industry standards in safety and performance.

Power Panel Safety Covers and Methods of Use (2018)

U.S. Patent 10,090,650 - Power panel safety covers design.

LayerZero Power Systems U.S. Patent for Power Panel Safety Covers and Methods of Use
This framed U.S. Patent was awarded to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. for the invention of Power Panel Safety Covers and Methods of Use, under U.S. Patent No. 2017/0054773 A1. The patent, granted on July 21, 2017, is credited to inventors James M. Galm, Mijo Dejanovic, and Milind Bhanoo. The safety covers are designed to shield the live components of a power panel, significantly reducing the risk of accidental contact with exposed conductors during operation and maintenance. The design prioritizes safety, making it easier and safer for technicians to perform maintenance without the risk of electrical shock. The included schematic highlights the innovative layout and functionality of the safety covers, showing how they integrate with existing power panel designs. This innovation reflects LayerZero’s ongoing commitment to improving safety and operational efficiency in mission-critical environments.

Golf Awards

Silver Sponsor, Scholarship Golf Outing Program - 7×24 Exchange Metro New York Chapter (2008)

LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. Silver Sponsor 2008 Scholarship Golf Outing Award
This image displays a glass award presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. for its role as a Silver Sponsor in the 2008 Scholarship Golf Outing Program organized by the 7x24 Exchange Metro New York Chapter. The award features a crystal golf ball mounted on a clear, pyramid-shaped base. The text engraved on the award reads: "7x24 Exchange Metro New York Chapter, LayerZero Power Systems, Inc., Silver Sponsor, 2008 Scholarship Golf Outing." This award is a reflection of LayerZero’s support for the mission-critical industries and its active participation in professional networking and fundraising events. The 7x24 Exchange’s annual golf outing is a significant initiative that brings together professionals from various mission-critical sectors to raise funds for scholarships, which support the education and development of future industry leaders. LayerZero’s sponsorship of this event demonstrates the company’s commitment to investing in both the industry and its future workforce.

Silver Sponsor, Scholarship Golf Outing Program - 7×24 Exchange Metro New York Chapter (2009)

LayerZero Power Systems 1st Place Award 2012 Golf Tournament
This crystal-clear award was presented to LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. for its role as a Silver Sponsor in the 2009 Scholarship Golf Outing, organized by the Metro New York Chapter of 7x24 Exchange. The golf outing is an annual event that brings together professionals from mission-critical industries, providing an opportunity for networking, fundraising, and fostering collaboration among peers. LayerZero’s continued sponsorship of this event reflects the company’s ongoing commitment to supporting the industry and contributing to initiatives that promote education and professional development. The award serves as a reminder of LayerZero’s dedication to both the industry and its future, with the proceeds from the event going toward scholarships that benefit students pursuing careers in mission-critical sectors.

1st Place, Fifth Annual Golf Tournament - 7×24 Exchange Lone Star Chapter (2012)

LayerZero Power Systems 1st Place Award 2012 Golf Tournament
LayerZero Power Systems, Inc. was awarded 1st Place in the Fifth Annual Golf Tournament, hosted by the 7x24 Exchange Lone Star Chapter in 2012. The clear, glass award is engraved with the 7x24 Exchange logo, the Lone Star Chapter emblem, and the event details. This award celebrates LayerZero’s victory in the tournament, which brought together professionals from mission-critical industries for a day of friendly competition and networking. The golf tournament is an important annual event for the Lone Star Chapter, offering a unique opportunity for industry professionals to connect outside of formal business settings while supporting the chapter’s mission. LayerZero’s participation and victory in the event reflect the company’s active involvement in industry events and its commitment to building strong relationships within the mission-critical community.